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Sky Sailing - Tennis Elbow (Early Demo): Lirik dan Terjemahan

Cell phones

& Travel stations
Dan stasiun perjalanan

Nada dering

& New relations
Dan hubungan baru

Say hello
Sampaikan salamku

To all your friends for me
Kepada semua teman-temanmu

Several calls
Beberapa panggilan

I made to Thailand
Kulakukan ke Thailand

Wound up in
Berakhir di

Prince Edward Island
Pulau Prince Edward

& My head
Dan kepalaku

Feels like it's ready to blow
Rasanya seperti siap meledak

I served &
Kusaji dan

Drew a rainbow
Gambar sebuah pelangi

So curved
Begitu melengkung

I felt the pain go
Kurasakan sakit itu hilang

Through my joints
Melalui sendi-sendiku

& Now I don't wanna play
Dan kini aku tak ingin bermain

Swinging down

I sent the birdie
Kukirimkan burung itu

Ke tengah kota

*Doing 30
Selama 30 kali

Now I think
Sekarang aku pikir

That I've got tennis elbow
Bahwa aku terkena nyeri siku

We are lost
Kita hilang

In the sound
Dalam riuh rendah suara

Close your eyes
Pejamkan matamu

& I will dance you around
Dan aku akan menari bersamamu

We are lost
Kita hilang

In the sound
Dalam riuh rendah suara

Close your eyes
Pejamkan matamu

& I will dance you around
Dan aku akan menari bersamamu

We are lost
Kita hilang

In the sound
Dalam riuh rendah suara

Close your eyes
Pejamkan matamu

& I will dance you, around
Dan aku akan menari, bersamamu



*Aku tak yakin apakah artinya selama 30 kali, soalnya ada interpretasi lain bisa aja 30 ini maksudnya 30 detik, menit, atau pada waktu ke 30. Yang pasti itu 30 haha, aku hanya mencoba menerjemahkan sebisa dan sesuai mungkin ðŸ˜Š

Penulis lagu: Adam Young
Adam Young: "I wrote and recorded the record over the course of several months in 2007, mastered it and put it in the can. Between then and now, Owl City began to take off and I’ve only just found time to dig the Sky Sailing record out again and haul it up from the basement into the light of day. Aside from some mixing work and a couple vocal overdubs, An Airplane Carried Me to Bed is exactly the way it was when it was first completed over three years ago."
Rinaldi Pratama Putra
Rinaldi Pratama Putra Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't wanna live there.